TRANSPORTATION - Unless otherwise provided, our company shall use its judgment in determining carrier and routing. In either case, our company shall not be liable for any delays or excessive transportation charges resulting from its selection. 
      PACKING - Unless otherwise provided, Our Company will comply only with its minimum packing standards for the method of transportation selected. The cost of all special packing, loading or bracing requested by Buyer will be paid for by Buyer. All the cost of packing and shipment for Buyer's special equipment shall be paid for by Buyer. 
      PAYMENT TERMS -  The discount applies only to the invoiced value of the material (not to taxes or freight charges). Our Company reserves the right to require advance payment or satisfactory security for the goods if the financial condition of Buyer so warrants as determined by Our Company. If Buyer fails to make payment in accordance with terms of this agreement or any collateral agreement, or fails to comply with any provisions hereof, our Company may, at its option (and in addition to other remedies), cancel any unshipped portion of this order. Buyer is to remain liable for all unpaid accounts. 
      TAXES AND IMPORT/EXPORT LICENSES - Prices do not include taxes. Taxes are paid by Buyer upon invoice from Our Company unless Buyer provides a valid exemption certificate acceptable to the taxing authority or unless Our Company is forbidden by law from collection of said taxes from Buyer. Import or export licenses are to be secured by buyers. 
      TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS - Delivery to carrier shall constitute delivery to Buyer, and thereafter risk of loss or damage shall pass to Buyer. Any claim of Buyer relative to damage during shipping or delivery should be made directly to the carrier. Any claims by Buyer against Our Company for shortage or damage occurring prior to such delivery to carrier must be made within a few days after receipt of the goods and accompanied by original transportation bill signed by carrier noting that carrier received the goods from Our Company in the condition claimed. Notwithstanding passage of the risk of loss to Buyer, title and right of possession to the goods sold hereunder shall remain with Our Company until all payments hereunder, including deterred payments evidenced by notes or otherwise, interest, carrying charges, and attorneys' fees, shall have been made in cash, and Buyer agrees to do all acts necessary to perfect and maintain such right and title in Our Company.